Ready to earn your Master of Education degree, but don't know where to start?
NYSUT's Education & Learning Trust, in partnership with SUNY Empire State College, offers members a path to earn up to nine Empire State College graduate credits toward Empire State College's 30-credit online Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. Once you complete your nine credits, you can matriculate into Empire State College using our partnership benefit program.
To begin your degree, you can choose from 43 different ELT courses. Topics include curriculum design, instructional planning and differentiated teaching.
Childhood Trauma and Classroom Resiliency explores the ways that traumatic experiences impact a child and what educators can do about it. Aversive Childhood Experiences (ACE) can cause students to have academic problems, acting out behaviors and poor relationships with classmates. The negative effects of these experiences include attention deficits, memory issues, poor communication skills and lack of social skills. This course provides a thorough investigation of the very real role that stress, and trauma play in students’ lives, and it describes how teachers and SRPs can begin to make students feel safe and cared for.