LEAF Institute for Blended and Online Learning
NYSUT ELT has partnered with The LEAF Institute for Blended and Online Learning to offer online courses to teachers in New York State. These professional learning opportunities present practical, research-based approaches to implementing the kinds of learning experiences that prepare students for college and career readiness.
Each online course is fully facilitated and offers models for best practices around blended and online learning initiatives, job-embedded activities, and collaborative experiences with other educators from across NYS. The LEAF Institute’s courses build around iNACOL’s Standards for Quality Online Courses and Standards for Quality Online Teaching.
Blended and Online Learning Courses for Teachers
Online Teaching: Fundamentals of Instructional Design
In this course, participants will:
- Discuss principles and best practices for successful online course design.
- Identify multiple tools for effective online learning.
- Practice and integrate specific pedagogical strategies.
- Collaborate with colleagues and course instructors to create online coursework.
- Align course content and assessments to state standards.
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Online Teaching: Fundamentals of Instruction
In this course, participants will:
- Review best practices for successful online teaching on any platform.
- Practice specific communication skills to manage feedback and solve student problems.
- Develop strategies to facilitate enriching online discussions.
- Create and contribute to a nurturing online learning community.
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For more information about the LEAF Institute for Blended and Online Learning, please call 1.888.855.2250, email contact@LEAFInstitute.org, or use one of the links below: