NYSUT Regional Learning Centers

FREE online professional learning seminars for NYSUT members!

NYSUT is committed to providing our members with world-class professional development opportunities at all points in their careers. One of the ways we deliver on this promise is to offer a wide variety of opportunities for members to get the education and CTLE credits they need, in the manner that's most convenient for them.

NYSUT Regional Learning Centers provide online seminars through Education & Learning Trust for FREE to our members. 

Check out the navigation on the left side of this page for courses currently offered by NYSUT's Regional Learning Centers.


WHAT: Professional learning seminars to improve student learning and enhance professional practices in education.

WHO: These seminars are available exclusively to NYSUT members, including newer and veteran educators and school-related professionals.*

COST: All Learning Center seminars are FREE to NYSUT members.

Complete listings are available via Frontline. Visit your regional page – listed above – for a direct link.

Sign up early! Seminars can fill up quickly.

* PLEASE NOTE: Only NYSUT members will be granted entry.


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