FREE COVID-19 Online Seminars Support Members in Challenging Times

ELT Free Virtual Seminar

To help members during this anxious time, NYSUT's Education & Learning Trust is offering four free virtual seminars highlighting the need for self-care; how to help students succeed emotionally and academically; and practical tips for working from home.

Please note: the registration site will say the cost is $75, but NYSUT members just need to hit the promo code for the free training. Members requiring registration help should email

Seminar Descriptions

Note: Some seminars may be offered on multiple days.  Scroll down after clicking "Sign up now" to see alternate dates.

These seminars are now available for 1-hour CTLE credit.

The Airplane Oxygen Mask Principle 

The Airplane Oxygen Mask (AOM) Principle seminar provides a forum for educators to engage in structured conversations around how to manage their well-being amidst the anxiety, preoccupation and uncertainty of the COVID-19 virus. This seminar highlights the importance of taking care of yourself before you can effectively take care of others, providing practical mindful strategies that can be used at home or at any location. 

Time: 1-hour
Cost: Free for NYSUT Members 
CTLE Hours: 1.00 


Developing Virtual SEL Environments for the Youth

Using mindfulness and SEL techniques and skills, assist your students to navigate their learning while developing resilience during the advent of COVID-19. This seminar will provide a forum for educators to share their concerns, while providing an avenue for educators to build their toolbox to help students during these times. The seminar intends to build on your expertise while providing tips to help students succeed emotionally and academically.  

Time: 1-hour
Cost: Free for NYSUT Members  
CTLE Hours: 1.00 


The Juggle

Working from home can have its challenges. Some of us juggle work, our children, the phone ringing, cooking, interacting with loved ones, interruptions, the list can go on and on. How can we manage all these distractions and still complete all the demands put on us? This seminar offers some practical tips to help you get organized. The seminar will provide you time to create a schedule for your demands at work while providing tips to manage your self-care. (45 minutes) 

Time: 1-hour
Cost: Free for NYSUT Members 
CTLE Hours: 1.00


Help! I am not technological savvy! 

This seminar will provide the basics on how to use remote learning digital platforms: Zoom and Google Classroom. The instructor will be able to go step by step to help you navigate the tools and help provide you with tips in real time.

Time: 1-hour
Cost: Free for NYSUT Members 
CTLE Hours : 1.00



The NYSUT Education & Learning Trust (ELT) is a nonprofit, premiere professional learning provider and has offered an array of research-based practical programs to assist educators in honing their craft for more than 40 years. LEARN MORE...