Site Based Courses (Remote Learning due to COVID)

*With social distancing paramount at this time and in the near future, NYSUT’s Education & Learning Trust (ELT) is committed to making sure our members’ health is top priority while providing graduate programs. Our summer course work has been approved via our college partners to continue delivery of graduate content via a remote learning environment.

To register for a site-based course, click here.

ELT courses meet the rigorous academic standards of our higher education partners. The colleges have strict guidelines and expectations which ELT must adhere to for approving both our instructors as well as our courses. Many of our courses may be used to satisfy degree requirements or taken as electives. As an approved CTLE provider, ELT's courses can be used toward CTLE hour fulfillment.

Participants are to purchase the Required Text(s) for online courses via their own personal, favorite bookstore. Please see Course Descriptions for required text(s). Students are required to have the proper text(s) by the class start date.

Refund Policy

If a course is canceled by the Trust, all paid tuition is 100% refundable.

Participants who withdraw prior to the course start date will be charged a $50 Administrative Fee. Withdrawal requests must be sent to NYSUT ELT at or faxed to (518) 213-6456.

Participants who withdraw at the end of the first class will be refunded half of paid tuition less the $50 Administrative Fee. Withdrawal requests must be sent to NYSUT ELT at or faxed to (518) 213-6456. Participants should also notify instructor of their intent to withdraw from the course. No refunds will be given after the second class.

View our Tuition rates and ELT policies

View our Course Policies and Procedures

To access your academic history for Summer 2010 and earlier please contact NYSUT ELT at

Note** SUNY Empire State College is now required by NYS to show proof of immunization of the MMR vaccine. Click here to view the letter and form.