In-Person and Virtual Synchronous Seminars
Assessments to Identify Gaps - Participants will discuss uses of formative assessments to identify gaps and make adjustments that provide various access points for students (1 hour)
Assessments to Inform, Pace, and Guide - Participants discuss the use of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments to inform, plan, pace, and guide their instruction.
(1 hour)
Co-teaching: Building the Partnership - Participants of this workshop will experience and embed strategies to develop a positive co-teaching partnership, learn how to apply the co-teaching models for various classroom environments, and gain planning strategies to ensure the learning of all students at high levels. (3 hours)
Co-teaching: Strengthening the Collaboration - You’ve been co-teaching together for a while…. Now what? Co-teachers will walk away with concrete steps for intentional reflection, effective communication, and thoughtful planning. Beyond this, co-teachers will also become equipped to rise above pitfalls and challenge each other to take their teaching to higher levels, where ALL students are bound to thrive. (3 hours)
Designing Effective Instruction and Learning for English Learners - The five high-leverage principles presented in this seminar synthesize the work of leading scholars and educators and reflect basic practices that can improve teaching and learning for English learners across the content areas. Participants will examine evidence-based instructional strategies that can be incorporated into daily lesson plans and routines as well as determine effective ways to teach and assess both language and disciplinary content. (3 hours)
Designing and Differentiating Assessments - Participants will discuss providing multiple opportunities for students to showcase abilities and differentiating assessment methodologies. (1 hour)
Constructivist Teaching and Learning - This seminar will address one of the priorities of the NYS Teaching Standards. Teachers must consider how each student learns. Understanding how and what Constructivist Teaching and Learning means in the classroom. Participants will explore how students learn when they “build” the learning for themselves. (2 hours)
Crafting a Learning Community for Classroom and Virtual Discussions - Effective and powerful classroom/virtual discussions do not just occur; they require a learning community that fosters their development. The use of different types of norms, selected scaffolds, and knowledge of the stages and continuum of classroom discussion are explored. (3 hours)
Designing Assessment to Monitor Student Progress toward Instructional Goals - In this session, teachers will discuss how they assess learning experiences that they create or coordinate, tracking what students do and do not learn while evaluating the effectiveness of their instructional strategies. (1 hour)
Digital Learning Resources in K-12 Classrooms - This virtual seminar provides practical tips and tricks to help you make better use of tech tools, many of which you may already have access to. Better utilization of digital learning resources means you will work in a more effective and efficient manner saving your most precious resource—time—while also thoroughly engaging and empowering your students. (3 hours)
Effective Questioning - Educators will identify gaps in students’ interest, experience and ability that challenge student learning and then identify strategies to bridge those gaps through effective questioning. (1 hour)
Effective Questioning - 400 questions a day. That’s the average number of questions teachers ask in a day. How many of these questions challenge students to think and demonstrate meaning? In this seminar, participants will explore the different purposes of questioning, classify questions according to purpose, and better understand Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. (3 hours)
Growth Mindset: Growing Minds to Achieve Success - Motivating students to have a growth mindset is crucial in developing active, confident learners. This seminar explores how to develop an environment that encourages a growth mindset, discusses growth vs. fixed mindset and engages participants on how to sustain mindset changes in the classroom. (3 hours)
Including English Learners: Strategies for Academic Success - With so much attention focused on helping English learners meet grade-level expectations, teachers are looking for what works. In this seminar, participants explore four research-based recommendations for engaging English learners in subject area instruction. Participants will view real life classroom examples and experience practical hands-on activities that can be applied across grade levels and content areas. (3 hours)
Instructional Supports for English Language Learners - English language learners are the fastest growing student population in schools, and they must be considered when the NYS Next Generation standards are being implemented. Geared for general education teachers, this seminar will help participants design effective content-area instruction while they explore research-based strategies, instructional guidelines and resources for helping ELLs succeed. (3 hours)
Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning - Participants will discuss ways they make connections within/among disciplines. (1 hour)
Looking at Student Work - In this session, teachers will closely examine student work samples for patterns and trends among their assessment practice (1 hour)
SRP and K-12 Practitioners: Meet Individual Needs - Participants will discuss how to create a culture of learning, utilizing multiple methods to meet individual student needs (1 hour)
Planning for the Success of ELLs in Content Classes - This seminar provides the opportunity to examine research-based strategies and approaches that assist ELLs in meeting rigorous grade-level standards through a step-by-step breakdown of the lesson planning process that includes scaffolded language and content objectives. Participants will experience a variety of motivating and engaging instructional strategies that can be strategically applied to lesson plans. (3 hours and 6 hours)
Planning Goals and Instructional Goal Setting - Participants will discuss how to create a culture of learning, utilizing multiple methods to meet individual needs. (1 hour)
Purposeful Use of Instructional Technology - The power of instructional technology resides not in any particular application, website, or device, but in how teachers employ these tools to advance student learning. In this seminar, you will explore K-12 appropriate models demonstrating when and how to strategically plan for technology for the use of technology in any scenario, as well as standards-based best practices for using technology to fundamentally redesign instruction across the curriculum. (3 hours)
Self-Assessment for Student Learning - This seminar engages participants in discussing and exploring ways to engage students in self-assessment to be reflective of their experiences and foster a sense of student agency. (1 hour)
Teaching for Clarity to Improve Student Achievement - Teaching with clarity allows the students to see the “big picture” and the what and why of their learning, engaging students of poverty by fostering a strong academic environment and child well-being. The seminar will identify ways to integrate clarity in teacher practices. (3 hours)
Teaching Students to Ask Questions - Students who initiate questioning in the classroom engage in higher-order thinking and advance their understanding of the content, demonstrating self-motivation. Participants will be introduced to, and work closely with, a protocol proven to encourage active classroom involvement and the development of questioning skills in students (3 hours)
Thinking Systematically about Student Practice - Monitoring student progress is not limited to formative/summative assessments, it is also observing students work in the classroom as they process an idea or concept while working toward understanding. These observations inform the accomplished teacher’s planning and preparation of assessments, as well as lesson structures. (1 hour)
Understanding English Language Learners - As a teacher, what can you do with students in your class who are learning English? How can you help them succeed? This seminar focuses on understanding the stages of verbal acquisition and identifying variables that influence the language acquisition process for ELLs. Strategies that have been shown to successfully engage ELLs are examined and instructional and assessment accommodations are demonstrated. (3 hours)
Understanding the Role of Formative Assessment – Participants will learn how to evaluate assessment items for depth of knowledge, classify questions to their level of rigor and write assessment questions for different levels of rigor. (3 hours)